Thursday, December 09, 2010
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Let's take a second to think back
I realised awhile back how important it is to recognise where you've come from, your family history, your personal choices whether bad or good.
For me a lot has been expressed in my music and photography but more importantly it's all about how I focus my life now.
Know your history. Create your future.
For me a lot has been expressed in my music and photography but more importantly it's all about how I focus my life now.
Know your history. Create your future.

Friday, January 29, 2010
Hi visitors and followers.... this is a post to let you know that as of this week I shall no longer be updating this site BUT I have an all new, all in one site/blog over at:
Go there, take a look around and let me know what you think!!
ps thanks for following so far, your support is priceless.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
A time for reflection and inspiration
First post of the year, I really must post more!
Just wanted to share a few videos with you. About this time of the year I take time to catch up on many things, amongst which are movies and books which inspire my photography. Ok so perhaps books, well they inspire my travel, my love to explore and to experiment. But right now I've been catching up on movies, not the usual comedy "rubbish" I watch to chill out but inspiring stuff, movies with great cinematography.
You might remember way back when, I shared with you "Notte Sento" which was a great timelapse shot video. Well right up there with the wow factor was this movie by Chris Jones called The Passenger, check it out (hit full screen, and if you have decent sound, turn it up):
What makes this extra special to me is that it was made in it's entirety by one guy, Chris Jones. To be fair to the video, I need to see the DVD quality version. The trailer can be found at
Next up, take a look at the trailer for this Italian movie I watched, it's now in my collection. It's called L'Amico Di Famiglia (Family Friend) and seriously, every single frame would make a great photography. Wow. Watch it in HD (if there's a blu ray version out there, get that!) Seriously, this trailer does it ZERO justice:
And finally, I've never been a huge fan of CGI... I always seem to focus on the unreality in it all. Jurassic Park didn't hit me like it seemed to hit everybody around me and don't get me started on Avatar. Actually I went to see Avatar at IMAX, twice... once sold out for weeks, the second time so full the only seats were useless. This next video is purely CGI, the work of only one man, Alex Roman.. and it's exquisite. If you have HD then please click the link below this video and watch it in HD. Either way, full screen and sound:
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
Inspiring? Get out there and create something then. I know I will. Peace.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A short visit to Shanghai...
A sprawling city working very hard to push into 2010 as an important part of modern China, Shanghai certainly is a worthy stop on a trip to China and an exciting way for me to finish off 2009 both work related and as a tourist. I was working for a private client but had plenty of time to myself. It was my first time to China and was a good introduction to China.
With Shanghai being as modern as any other city, it's left me wanting to go out there again to see Beijing, Xian, the other Provinces, the Wall etc... what I would've classed as "real China", the China I learned about growing up. The China that captivated my generation through the movies it produced, that motivated my dad when he was young to learn Chinese, martial arts and become a Kung Fu master (a title he doesn't personally use though. His students call him Sifu Leung)... anyway, that's the china I still have to see more of but for now.. Shanghai was a good experience. Plus while they have WuShu Master on regular tv... what do we get here in the UK? Total Wipeout.
Yes it was busy, cold (but not as cold as home!), and I fell and fractured my hand but it was a place full of sights, interesting people, very cheap and very wholesome food and tea, tea, tea... love it. 12 hours on a plane and 8 hour time differences I could do without though!
Here are a few cool shots, taken with a point and shoot (canon g10):
Entering Shanghai the fastest way possible (on land).. The Maglev at 430km/h (hence it's a bit shaky)

There are a whole lot more on my facebook page so feel free to check that out at
I had planned to do a 2009 wrap up post while I was out there but hadn't figured on blogspot being a banned website over there so I haven't been able to access my own blog, facebook, twitter etc while I was there! So I'll do that very soon! It's been a year of extremes... And I think it'd be good to put it into words, and images where possible... So, see you next year!
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